Growing Stronger

Great news! I’m continuing to improve. Definitely growing stronger!

The remaining chemo in my body has flung me one last (hopefully) side effect, causing  a little infection, for which I am now taking antibiotics. Other than that, I’m soaring into health.

First walk

Last evening and this morning I engaged in something I have not done in months; went with Jerry to walk Winston. It’s a bit rainy, but none was falling this morning as I joined my two “men.” We didn’t walk all the way to the woods, but more than half way. It was glorious.

First walk-2                                              I  took my camera with me and as Jerry and Winston walked ahead, I paused to photograph these leaves with glittering water drops.

Winston noticed I was behind, and refused to walk again until I caught up with them. Love that little dog. Love life. Love you, my friends.